“We see other people as white or black, rich or poor, man or woman, educated or not, and so on. It is human nature to judge a book by it’s cover.”

So you want to help create a better world? Not sure where to start?

Mohandas Gandhi once said: “If you want to change the world, you must first start with yourself.” 

He was right.

We instinctively categorize other people, animals and things into smaller, bite-size, groups to better cope with  the vastness of our universe. 

Take a second to let that settle in.

It is just human nature, meant to tell us who is from our group and who or what to be wary of.  But that same human nature meant to protect us is what is separating us. 

We see other people as white or black, rich or poor, man or woman, educated or not, and so on. It is human nature to judge a book by it’s cover.

But why don’t we realize that we are all living beings that share the same planet, breathe the same air and fertilize the same soil?

Answer: We do, but we still focus on the details.

There is only one thing that separates mankind from every other living creature, and that is Art.

Art is in all of us, we see it in the history of our civilizations across the globe, in our children’s drawings, and in every person regardless of their birth place.


What we can do to help those who are less fortunate is to show them how to enjoy what little time we have on this earth. To do what we were born to do.

To create Art.

“Knowledge is power, how you use it is what makes you powerful.” -Random Fortune Cookie

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